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Books by everyone else:
Transitions – William Bridges
The one-sentence summary It is possible to make sense of life’s changes by viewing change as transitions that bring opportunities
The Wizard And The Prophet – Charles Mann
The one-sentence summary Can we bend nature to our will or are we bound by its inexorable laws? Two groundbreaking
The Adventure Of Sustainable Performance – McLachlan & Sanders
The One-Sentence summary In the new era, leaders need to move beyond ESG compliance to create total value. Can't be
Ultra-Processed People – Chris van Tulleken
The one-sentence summary Most of our calories now come from a novel set of substances presented in products that are
All We Can Save – Johnson & Wilkinson
The one-sentence summary We already have the solutions we need to solve the climate crisis, so we don’t need to
Finding The Mother Tree – Suzanne Simard
The one-sentence summary Trees communicate with each other through a network of roots and fungi below ground. Can't be bothered
Only One Earth – Ward & Dubos
The One-Sentence summary It is possible to care for and maintain our planet by using a simple conceptual framework. Can't
The Big Con – Mariana Mazzucato & Rosie Collington
The one-sentence summary The consulting industry weakens our businesses, infantilizes our governments and warps our economies. Can't be bothered to
The Coming Storm – Liam Fox
The one-sentence summary Water is much more likely to shape the events of the 21st century than the competition for
Slow Down – Kohei Saito
The One-Sentence Summary Degrowth communism can save the earth. Can't be bothered to read it? Listen to the 5-minute summary
Surfing The Edge Of Chaos – Pascale, Millemann & Gioja
The One-Sentence Summary There are significant parallels between business and nature, particularly in the nonstop battles between the forces of
Misbelief – Dan Ariely
The One-Sentence Summary Misinformation appeals to something innate in all of us, but awareness of the forces that fuel misbelief