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This has been a labour of love for over 20 years. Over 25 million words read, with all the books summarized on one page. We read and summarize them so you don’t have to.
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Books by everyone else:
Tax The Rich! – Pearl & Payne
The one-sentence summary Lies, loopholes and lobbyists make the American rich even richer. Can’t be bothered to read it? Listen
How Big Things Get Done – Flyvbjerg & Gardner
The one-sentence summary There are a consistent set of factors that cause projects to be a success or fail spectacularly.
Not The End Of The World – Hannah Ritchie
The one-sentence summary Concentrating on surprising facts and dispelling dangerous myths offers hopeful solutions for our future on planet Earth.
Truth Be Told – O’Brien & Gallagher
The one-sentence summary Authentic marketing and communications wins in the purposeful age. Can’t be bothered to read it? Listen to
Magic Words – Jonah Berger
The one-sentence summary Six types of words can increase your impact in every area of life, from persuading others and
Limitarianism – Ingrid Robeyns
The one-sentence summary The case against extreme wealth means that it should be limited to £10 million per individual and
Revenge Of The Tipping Point – Malcolm Gladwell
The one-sentence summary Tipping points have a dark side when contagious social or physical phenomena take off in unwanted and
Hot Money – Naomi Klein
The one-sentence summary Deregulated capitalism is waging war on the climate and to stop the damage we must change everything
Braiding Sweetgrass – Robin Wall Kimmerer
The one-sentence summary Indigenous wisdom from Native American mythology, scientific knowledge, and the teachings of plants can enhance our attentiveness
Do Big Small Things – Bruce Poon Tip
The one-sentence summary A guided journey toward freedom, happiness and adventure that will change you. Can’t be bothered to read
The End Of Poverty – Jeffrey Sachs
The one-sentence summary We can end poverty by 2025 and change the world forever. Can’t be bothered to read it?
Sustainable Advertising – Bourn & Munden
The one-sentence summary Advertising can support a better future if we change the way we work and the work we