The one-sentence summary
The shape of things to come is already happening.
- This is a rundown of all the inventions that will transform our lives.
- Many visionaries are already ‘inventing the future’ in their labs, and by interviewing over 300 of them, the author takes us on a tour of technological possibilities.
- Predictions are offered for the next 100 years, covering computers, artificial intelligence, medicine, nanotechnology, energy, space, wealth, and humanity broadly.
- Each area is split into the near future (present to 2030), mid-century (2030 – 2070), and the far future (2070 – 2100).
- Ubiquitous computing could involve scrap computers that you scribble on and then discard, and wallpaper that you change with the click of a button.
- Haptic technology will allow you to feel and touch objects in the cyberworld.
- Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) will allow you to talk to anyone in any language because your contact lens will include speech recognition.
- Optogenetics combines optics and genetics to help map neural pathways that will eventually enable us to reverse engineer the brain.
- Bioinformatics will allow you to own and view a blueprint of your own body and use chips to scan your DNA and provide early warning of any illness.
- Nanocars will be sent through your blood to fix internal medical problems.
- This is not fanciful sci-fi – all the subjects fall within the bounds of known physics, merely projected into the future.
- Although not specifically a business book, most of the here areas have a direct bearing on markets, products, and company prosperity in some form or another.
- The four fundamental forces that rule the universe are gravity, electromagnetism, weak and strong nuclear forces.
- The four stages of technology are:
- Examples include paper, books, water, electricity, computers, and more.
- If modern technology whets your appetite, this is a great review of more seemingly outlandish possibilities.
- Products are so precious they are closely guarded.
- Many people can get them, for a price.
- Everyone can them, often for free.
- It becomes a fashion item, with many designer variants.
- Although it is written in a jargon-free style, some of the technology is so advanced that the layperson may still be left baffled or incredulous.