The one sentence summary
If you don’t admit you don’t know what’s happening, you can never find out, and if you don’t find out, you can never change it.
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- The most important step in changing anything is admitting that you don’t know. That’s the power of ignorance. Great problems solvers are not afraid to say: “I don’t know.” From that start point, they can investigate with an open mind, and often come up with some ingenious approaches. The author looks at 8 areas:
- What you don’t know you don’t know.
- We can’t know what hasn’t happened.
- Ignorance is a secret weapon.
- Simple is smart. Complicated is stupid.
- The power of an open mind.
- Ignorance we can fix. Stupid we can’t.
- Real ignorance beats fast knowledge.
- Thinking we know is a trap.
- People who feel secure have no need to take chances, but people who feel insecure have to take chances.
- People will judge what they need based on what their competition has.
- Semiotics is language without words. In the 1960s, Margaret Calvert designed the UK’s road signage system. She tested them by driving them at some airmen at 100mph – the context in which they would be seen. She made the complicated simple: motorways would be white on blue, A roads, white on green (with yellow numbers), and B roads black on white. Triangles for warnings; circles for commands; squares for information.
- In publishing, there is something called publication bias or the Woozle Effect (named after the Winnie-the-Pooh story in which they believe they are following a Woozle, when they are following their own footsteps). Once a journalist cites something, another takes it as fact, and it snowballs from there, but it might not be true.
- “The wise man knows he doesn’t know. The fool doesn’t know he doesn’t know.” Lao Tzu
- “In the West they only respect experts. But the expert mind is the closed mind.” Shunryu Suzuki
- “Misbehaviour is very strongly correlated with and responsible for creative thought.” Steve Wozniak
- In the clarity of desperation, your position is so bad that you think much more intelligently and clearly than when things are reasonably easy.
- Data may be a fact, but it isn’t necessarily the truth.
- In the Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy, a Texan who wants to be known as a crack shot blasts away at the side of a barn with two pistols. By painting a target around random clusters, it looks like he hit the target quite a few times. Our minds naturally seek patterns – we make the facts fit the thinking, which is how conspiracy theories work.
- As usual the author has a cornucopia of brilliant anecdotes to demonstrate his point.