The one sentence summary
You can fight the biases that distort decision-making by learning to recognize them and using a range of techniques.
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- Even the smartest and most experienced among us make frequent and predictable errors. There are nine traps:
- The Storytelling trap: “Too good not to be true.”
- The Imitation trap: “Steve Jobs was such a genius.”
- The Intuition trap: “I’ve seen this before.”
- The Overconfidence trap: “Just do it.”
- The Inertia trap: “Why rock the boat?”
- The Risk Perception trap: “I want you to take risks.”
- The Time Horizon trap: “The long term is a long way off.”
- The Groupthink trap: “Everyone’s doing it.”
- The Conflict of Interest trap: “I’m not thinking of myself of course.”
- These fall into five families of biases (see charts):
- Pattern recognition: confirmation bias, storytelling, experience, champion bias, attribution error, halo effect, hindsight and survivorship bias
- Action-oriented: overplacement, planning fallacy, unrealistic optimism, overprecision, competitor neglect
- Inertia: anchoring, resource inertia, status quo bias, escalation of commitment, sunk-cost fallacy, loss aversion, irrational risk and uncertainty aversion
- Social: groupthink, polarization, information cascades
- Interest: self-serving bias, present bias, omission bias
- There are three main answers:
- Our biases lead us astray, but not in random directions. There is method to our madness, and we are predictably irrational.
- The way to deal with our biases is not to try to overcome them. Organizations can produce better choices through collaboration and process.
- While organizations can overcome individual biases, this does not happen by chance. They sometimes even exacerbate them. Wise leaders are therefore decision architects who decide how to decide.
- When we are 90% sure, we are wrong half the time.
- In a recognition-primed decision model, we make what feels like intuitive decisions based on memory and experience.
- Despite wanting to be agile, what corporations do is 90% identical to what they did the previous year, including budget allocation.
- Base scenarios are usually too optimistic and pessimistic ones are usually far from worst case.
- Legendary ad man Bill Bernbach kept a laminated card in his pocket to fight his own bias. It read: “Maybe he’s right.”
- Collaboration plus process (the ‘how’) is 6 times more important than the contents (the ‘what’) in making decisions. To get close to unbiased decisions, ask these questions:
- Did you have an explicit discussion about the risks and uncertainties?
- Were points of view that contradicted the leader(s) aired?
- Did you deliberately seek out information that would contradict the proposal?
- Were the criteria for approval predefined and transparent for all those taking part?
- Not much. This is a comprehensive synopsis of all behavioural theory, complete with 40 specific things you can do to improve matters.