Textbook Of Wisdom – Edward De Bono

The one sentence summary There are shortcuts to enable you to become older than your years. WHAT THE BOOK SAYS Wisdom does

Textbook Of Wisdom – Edward De Bono2020-09-23T12:02:57+00:00

Flow – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

The one-sentence summary Understanding the concept of flow helps people to live in better harmony with themselves and others. Can't be bothered

Flow – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi2024-05-08T07:08:06+00:00

The Age Of Unreason – Charles Handy

The one-sentence summary We will not survive unless we actively respond to the radical way our world is changing. WHAT THE BOOK

The Age Of Unreason – Charles Handy2020-09-23T12:04:05+00:00

Making It Happen – John Harvey-Jones

The one-sentence summary Making it happen is the most important part of any idea, and the prime management problem in any company.

Making It Happen – John Harvey-Jones2020-09-23T12:04:08+00:00
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