Think Like A Freak – Levitt & Dubner The one-sentence summary Understand and decipher incentives and measure results accurately, and you are much more likely to solve problems. WHAT THE Think Like A Freak – Levitt & Dubneradmin2020-09-23T12:03:30+00:00
Freakonomics – Levitt & Dubner The one-sentence summary Context is absolutely crucial: what appears to be a reason for something rarely is. WHAT THE BOOK SAYS An Freakonomics – Levitt & Dubneradmin2020-09-23T12:04:24+00:00
Superfreakonomics – Levitt & Dubner Note: Undoubtedly the bit everyone will latch onto is in chapter 5. When a big volcano erupts it fills the atmosphere with Superfreakonomics – Levitt & Dubneradmin2020-09-23T12:04:26+00:00