The Catalyst – Jonah Berger

The one sentence summary You can change anyone’s mind if you correctly understand the five barriers to change and remove the roadblocks

The Catalyst – Jonah Berger2020-09-23T12:02:47+00:00

Range – David Epstein

The one sentence summary People with experience of many fields are often more fulfilled and successful at solving tricky challenges than experts.

Range – David Epstein2020-09-23T12:02:50+00:00

Talking To Strangers – Malcom Gladwell

The one sentence summary When talking to strangers we need to understand that transparency is a myth, we default to truth, and

Talking To Strangers – Malcom Gladwell2020-09-23T12:02:50+00:00

Rockonomics – Alan Krueger

The one sentence summary The music industry can teach us a lot about economics and our future. WHAT THE BOOK SAYS The

Rockonomics – Alan Krueger2020-09-23T12:02:54+00:00
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